
Book of hours 翻译


    Corresponding tarot - Wheel of Fortune 塔罗牌-命运之轮

    • Numen: That Old Lost Music 天启:遗失于时间中的音乐

      • Symurgist Victory: Songs at Noon 鸟语学家胜利:啾啭于午港之歌

        Across the evening sea to Noon - for so long a city of Long, and now a city of song. Each day the ivory towers rise a little higher. ‘Noon, they say, is not as it was.’ But now we hear on the wind what Noon could become. I have found that old lost music… and the Hours of the Roost take up the refrain.


      • Magnate Victory: Peace at Noon 富翁胜利:午港的平静
        Port Noon, across the evening sea. It’s long been a place for Long, and now it’s something more. Each day more of us arrive. The waves take our name as once the fountain did. The towers rise day by day. Here in the City’s shade, there will be peace.


      • The Winds of Noon 午港之风

        ‘Noon, they say, is not as it was.’ But Noon, with its towers of ivory, its wheels of shining iron, is becoming something more.


    • Numen: A Final Understanding 天启:最终的理解

      • Magnate Victory: Silence at Noon 富翁胜利:午港的缄默

        ‘The houses are white and the hills are green and the air is golden and the sea won’t settle on one colour….’ That’s still true. But all the colours grow pale. The towers of ivory will rise higher day by day. One day, they’ll be complete. Until then, I’ll know peace; and when they’re complete, it won’t matter any more.

        “房屋居白而山岭持绿,天空显金但海无定色。。。” 以上所述依然不假。但那些色彩都在渐渐黯淡。象牙塔将日日升高。有朝一日,他们会完成的。那日若至,我将知晓平静,而无事将扰。

      • The Last City, Noon 最后之城,午港

        Across the evening sea. Ever since the Spring of the Witness rose from the earth, Port Noon has been a place for the ones who defy endings. Now, as the ivory towers rise, it's a place for those who accept them. In the end, that'll be all of us.


- Numen: Back Into Balance 天启:重回平衡

    - Revolutionary Victory: Revolutions at Noon 革命家胜利:午港革命

        Across the evening sea. The day the Cross came, the sky above Port Noon was dark with returning wings, and the sea boiled with their shapes. The residents took a while to come around to it. But Noon has always been a place outside the rule of the Hours, before all else;  as the Carapace-spires of horn and ivory rise above the new City, it can become a place of defiance.


    - Executioner Victory: Sanctuary at Noon 行刑者胜利:于午港的避难所

        Across the evening sea. The day the Cross came, the sky above Port Noon was dark with returning wings, and the sea boiled with their shapes. The residents took a while to come around to it. But Noon has always been a sanctuary before all else; and now, as the Carapace-spires of horn and ivory rise above the new City, it's a sanctuary for them, too.


    - Advent at Noon 午港的降临节

        Across the evening sea. The day the Cross came, the sky above Port Noon was dark with returning wings, and the sea boiled with their shapes.  Now, as the Carapace-spires of horn and ivory rise above the new City, Noon is different; for good, or for ill, but not forever.


    Corresponding tarot - The Fool 塔罗牌:愚者

    • Numen: Three Rules 天启:三重准则

      • Revolutionary Victory: The Revolution in the Heart 革命家胜利:心中的革命

        We are citizens of a republic we’ll never see. Our walls are paper and our rivers are only ink. But we are the children of History. Let Eternity tremble!


      • The Republic of Solitude 孤独的国度

        All of of us who search out secrets are lonely. Our only home is a city we’ll never see. But in Eternity or History, we’re still its citizens.


    • Numen: Loopholes 天启:漏洞

      • Twiceborn Victory: The Sanctuary Never 重生者胜利:避难所不再

        By day I walk in the world, by night in the Mansus, but wherever I go, I walk the streets of the City Never. I am a servant of its laws, a subject of its kingless throne. The laws of others cannot touch me; and I am not alone.


      • A City Built on Paradox 建于悖论之城

        The City Never is founded on the rocks of paradox; its walls are paper; its rivers are ink. I am a servant of the City Never’s laws, a subject of its kingless throne; and I am not alone.


    • Numen: The Sun’s Weakness 天启:骄阳之残

      • Executioner Victory: A City of Shadows 行刑者胜利:暗影之城

        Everything that occurs must dwell in History; everything that dwells in History will some day be bleached into the light of Eternity. But even Eternity’s light casts shadows - and those shadows mark the boundaries of our paradoxical, penumbral home.


      • A City Outside Eternity 永恒之外的城市

        Everything that occurs must dwell in History; everything that dwells in History will some day be bleached into the light of Eternity. But even Eternity’s light casts shadows; and in that penumbral sanctuary, we who are citizens of Never will find our home.



    Corresponding tarot - The World 塔罗牌:世界

    • Numen: the Bells of Ys 天启:被浪潮吞没之城的钟声

      • Revolutionary Victory: When the Hours Tremble 革命者胜利:司辰颤抖之时

        I had never thought we would pass beyond the wave to Ys - never thought we would walk its amber-shining cobbles and breathe its golden waters - never thought we would see the manufactories of orichalcum rise, day by day, towards the final City’s plan. And I had never thought I would raise an army there against the world I know. But Eternity’s tyranny must end; Calyptra must fall.

        我从未想过我们会渡过浪潮吞没之城的波涛,不曾想会踏于其琥珀原石,呼吸其金色海水,也没期望会将目睹山铜 工厂日复一日地向最终之城发展。我也未预料过将会在那里组建起反抗我所熟知的世界的军队。但永恒的暴政必须被终止,Calyptra 必须倒下

        Calyptra:它是一种预防危险知识传播的准则,只有在它缺席时才显现出它的巨大影响。见于 what does not bark 不吠之物

      • Prodigal Victory: Beneath the Hand of Ys 浪子胜利:在浪潮吞没之城的手中

        I had never thought we would pass beyond the wave to Ys - never thought we would walk its amber-shining cobbles and breathe its golden waters - never thought we would see the sanctuaries of orichalcum rise, day by day, towards the future. Ys is not kind. But it is safe; and it will be home.


      • Bells Beyond the Wave 浪潮之上的钟声

        I had never thought we would pass beyond the wave to Ys - never thought we would walk its amber-shining cobbles and breathe its golden waters - never thought we would see the fortresses of orichalcum rise, day by day, to become something more than a City. But the world is changing, and when we have changed enough, this will be our home.


    • Numen: That Old Lost Music 天启:遗失的古老音乐

      • Magnate Victory: Peace Beyond the Wave 富翁胜利:浪潮之上的宁静

        Ys, with its ever-shifting light and its amber-shining cobbles, with its canals of coral and its temples of ice. It is so far from what we had known. But at evening, when the bells of Ys fall silent, there is peace here.


      • Symurgist Victory: The Songs of Ys 鸟语者:啾啭于浪侵之城之歌

        Ys, with its ever-shifting light and its amber-shining cobbles, with its canals of coral and its temples of ice… we speak of it as a city, but Ys has no walls, and so it is no city. Not yet. With the bells of Ys, we will build those walls of song; and I will dwell in that music I have longed for.


      • Ys Beyond the Wave 在浪潮之上

        Ys, with its ever-shifting light and its amber-shining cobbles, with its canals of coral and its temples of ice… we speak of it as a city, but Ys has no walls, and so it is no city. Not yet. We will build those walls of song.


    • Numen: A Final Understanding 天启:最终理解

      • Magnate Victory: Peace, At Last 富翁胜利:最终的平静

        Ys, with its ever-shifting light and its amber-shining cobbles, with its canals of coral and its temples of ice. When we have built the walls of Ys, it will be a city at last. In fact, it will be the last city. In that long decline to evening, I’ll know peace.


      • At Last, Ys 最后的浪潮吞没之城

        Ys, with its ever-shifting light and its amber-shining cobbles, with its canals of coral and its temples of ice. When we have built the walls of Ys, it will be a city at last. In fact, it will be the City of Conclusions: the place that all the threads of History at last resolve to one.



    Corresponding tarot - The Moon 塔罗牌:月亮

    • Numen: the Great Counterfeit 天启:伟大的赝品

      • Twiceborn Victory: A Shadowed Sanctuary 重生者胜利:阴影下的避难所

        As within; so without. Brancrug, once the grey rock in the sea where the Cross first met Flint; now the flinty proxy of the black sapphire City that will rise endlessly into night, in the other-place we call the and there I will be safe.


      • It Ends In Moonlight 它于月光中终结

        As within; so without. Brancrug, once the grey rock in the sea where the Cross first met Flint; now the flinty proxy of the black sapphire City that will rise endlessly into night, in the other-place we call the House of the Moon. No-one will inscribe my name above the gate; but I will keep the knowledge like a jewel beneath my tongue.


    • Numen: Loopholes 天启:环形孔洞

      • Twiceborn Victory: To Sanctuary 重生者胜利:去往避难所

        Through the Loopholes the citizens will pass, to raise a city of black sapphire where the Wheel still turns in the Moon’s house. No-one will ever see the place with waking eyes, but there I will dwell between sleep and life, and there, at last, I will be safe.


      • A Moonlit City 月城

        Through the Loopholes the citizens will pass, to raise a city of black sapphire where the Wheel still turns in the Moon’s house. No-one will ever see the place with waking eyes, and no-one will inscribe my name above the gate. But I will keep the knowledge like a jewel beneath my tongue.


    • Numen: Weaving the World 天启:编织世界

      • Symurgist Victory: The Songs of the House of the Moon 鸟语者胜利:啾啭于月亮居屋之歌

        Silver, the Moon’s tongue. Silver, the road’s blood. The birdsong notes, gleaming like black sapphire… this is the City in the world’s shadow, and here we will welcome the aviform Hours, to raise their song beneath the turning Wheel.


      • Cartographer Victory: The Hub of the Wheel 地图绘制员胜利:转轮的中心

        The Mansus-paths cross like threads and meet like welcome strangers. Here at their nexus, at the hub of the Wheel that still turns beneath the invisible Moon, a city of black sapphire will rise; and at last, in the highest room of its highest tower, I will complete my map.


      • Home Beneath the Moon 月亮之下的居屋

        The Mansus-paths cross like threads and meet like welcome strangers. Here at their nexus, at the hub of the Wheel that still turns beneath the invisible Moon, the architects of dream and citizens of song will assemble behind the world; and they will raise a city of black sapphire, where all our arts will find their end.



    Corresponding tarot - The Devil 塔罗牌:恶魔

    • Numen: an Irresistable Feast 天启:不可抗拒的盛宴

      • Artist Victory: The Art of the Feast 艺术家胜利:盛宴的艺术

        Every feast ends. When it does, some of the Hours will be sorry for what we did. Some will weep. Some will lick their lips and wonder what colours they’d find, each inside the other. This - this! - is my legacy.


      • A Gift of Stones 石头的礼物

        ‘We’ll crack our teeth to break their stones. We’ll warm our fires to boil their bones. Their shining ribs will arc the sky; until into the fire we fly.’


    • Numen: a Merciless Alteration 天启:无情的改变

      • Artist Victory: The First Fuel 艺术家胜利:第一燃料

        From stone, we will squeeze ripe-bursting diamonds! From bone, we will melt the drippingest light! From darkness, the most furious colours! A mountain of lights, a mountain of gifts, a feast to warm the world’s last age!


      • Archaeologist Victory: First at the Table 考古学家胜利:桌前的第一人

        Cats weave at my shoulders, rats wreathe my wrists. The table bands the world and the Hours sit at its head. I crouch beneath like the scavenger I am, but the bloody gods favour me - I feast on furry shadows - I am first at the feast.


      • Autumn-Come-Early 早至之秋

        It is the Hours that feast and the Names that wait upon them. No mortal is invited; few mortals will ever know. But the gobbets and tidbits of what was fall through the cracks into dream… and all our dreams are warm and fruitful. A ripe autumn for the world. A mellow sky, a sweet and smoky mist…


    • Numen: The Sun’s Weakness 天启:骄阳的弱点

      • Executioner Victory: The Scar and the Savour 行刑者胜利:伤疤与美味

        ‘We are they who dream no dreams - singers of arising day…’ The poet-consul had it, and now I am Day’s consul. The Sun’s scars will keep him from the feast, but the Hours will pick clean the bones of Stone. My crimes will be erased… Or consumed.

        “我们是无梦之人,破晓的歌手。。。” 诗人执政官曾说,而我如今是白日的执政官。骄阳的伤疤让他无法加入宴席,但司辰将捡走石源神的骨头,我的罪行将被抹除。。。或被消耗。

      • The Old and the New 旧与新

        It is the Hours that feast (all but the Sun, all but the gods-from-Light) and the Names that wait upon them. No mortal is invited; few mortals will ever know. But the gobbets and tidbits of what was fall through the cracks into dream… and all our dreams are warm and fruitful. A ripe autumn for the world. A mellow sky, a sweet and smoky mist…



    Corresponding tarot - The Star (exception: The Foundation of Riddles - Death) 塔罗牌:星星(例外:谜语的基石:死亡)

    • Numen: Weaving the World 编织世界

      • Symurgist Victory: Sister to Echoes 鸟语者胜利:回声的姐妹

        The Wheel’s membrane-pulses; the Flint’s facet-cries; the bell-tones of the Ambered Egg. We thought them lost to silence, but neither word nor song is ever entirely lost, except to Eternity. This is the memory that has not died.


      • Cartographer Victory: Mother to Echoes 地图绘制员胜利:回响之母

        The Gods-who-were-Stone walked the Mansus long before the Hours of Light, and they rarely troubled with eyes. Their songs entered the ways before them as messengers; the Mansus answered with echoes. She gave them their map before the first eye was opened, the first ink ground. It’ll be an aeon or three out of date… but it’ll give me what I need.


      • Daughter of Echoes 回响之女

        In another age, Brancrug was the grey rock in the sea, the foothold where the Cross met Flint. Flint is gone; but her facets echoed each a separate Star. Walk by the waves in Brancrug Bay. Look up at the night sky. Watch for Flint.


    • Numen: Back Into Balance 天启:重归平衡

      • Executioner Victory: The Penance Thunder 行刑者胜利:忏悔之雷

        When the Carapace-kinds departed, into earth and flesh, wave and sky, they carried the memories of lost Hours. Now, the proper steps have been taken for their return. I know because I hear their thunders; I know because I have begun to long for rain.


      • Revolutionary Victory: The Fire in the Clouds 革命者胜利:云中之火

        When the Carapace-kinds departed, into earth and flesh, wave and sky, they carried the memories of lost Hours. Now, the proper steps have been taken for their return. I know because I see their fires in the sky; I know because I feel the revolution in my flesh.


      • A Song of Wings 歌之羽翼

        When the Carapace-kinds departed, into earth and flesh, wave and sky, they carried the memories of lost Hours. Now, the proper steps have been taken for their return. I know because the sky begins at last to darken with their wings; I know because in my bones, I hear the buzzing of their raptured hymns.


    • Numen: Three Rules 天启:三重准则

      • Revolutionary Victory: The First Defiance 革命者胜利:初次反抗

        In the last days of the Gods-from-Stone, the seed of the Watchman’s Tree was planted. The Calyptra will preserve the tree, but they cannot uproot a second sapling. I will plant it on the beach beneath the closed horizon; I will water it with salt blood and salted sacrament; and the memory of the Gods-from-Stone will flower on its wounded skin. In quiet times, it will be a shelter, and in other times, perhaps a gallows-tree.


      • The Foundation of Riddles 谜题之基

        In the last days of the Gods-from-Stone, the seed of the Watchman’s Tree was planted. The Calyptra will preserve the tree, but they cannot uproot a second sapling. I will plant it on the beach beneath the closed horizon; I will water it with salt blood and salted sacrament; and the memory of the Gods-from-Stone will flower on its wounded skin.



    Corresponding tarot - Death 塔罗牌:死亡

    • Numen: Inescapable Confinement 天启:难逃之缚

      • Prodigal Victory: A Cage of Ice 浪子胜利:冰笼

        This is the cell the Watchman built in the southmost reaches of the world, where the sea grows hard as horn and the sunset pale as snow. When the sunset comes, it will be his cell. He always knew he might be snared in ice, and when the waters rise, he will be free… but when the waters rise, the Egg will crack. No-one who serves the Sun on that day will be looking for me. They’ll all be looking for the last place to hide.


      • Archaeologist Victory: A Cage of Glass 考古学家胜利:玻璃之笼

        This is the cell the Sun-in-Rags built in the southmost reaches of the world, where the sea grows hard as horn and the sunset pale as mirrors. When the sunset comes, it will be his cell. He always knew he might be snared in glass, and when the earth contorts, he will be free… but when the earth contorts, it will be the coming anger of the Hour we call Flint. On that day, the one who walks with me will seek the safety of the cell. Whoever I am.


      • A Cage of Scars 伤疤之笼

        This is the cell the Colonel built in the southmost reaches of the world, where the sea scabs over and the sunset pales to the colour of a fresh bandage. When the sunset comes, it will be his cell. He always knew he might be snared in scars, and when the world’s skin is healed, he will be free… but when the world’s skin is healed, so too will the Hour named Seven-Coils… and her children’s children will hear her screams.


    • Numen: Loopholes 天启:环形孔洞

      • Twiceborn Victory: The Consciousness of Blood 重生者胜利:知觉之血

        The Chancel resolved that the Wheel is no Hour; that it might turn only in the House of the Moon. But the Meniscate favours the House of the Moon; the Horned-Axe obeys the Sanguine Exception; and the Sister-and-Witch do not divide what should be together. So the Wheel has returned to the waking world, and blood will run beneath its turnings. Safety will always have a price, for oneself or for others, and this is the price I have decided they will pay.


      • The Sanguine Exception 血色的异常

        The Chancel resolved that the Wheel is no Hour; that it might turn only in the House of the Moon. But the Meniscate favours the House of the Moon; the Horned-Axe obeys the Sanguine Exception; and the Sister-and-Witch do not divide what should be together. So the Wheel has returned to the waking world, and blood will run beneath its turnings.


    • Numen: the Paths of the Sun 天启:骄阳之道

      • Cartographer Victory: A Map of Lights 地图绘制员胜利:辉光的地图

        The Wheel in the House of the Moon, the Flint in the memories of the sky, the Seven-Coils in her children… the Sun’s Paths, in the Sun’s arrogance, touched all these places. Along these paths, the anger of the forgotten gods will flow, like a river, like the pounding of the heart. Along all those paths the Flint will hang her facet-Stars like maps… and in their light, at last, I will map the Mansus.


      • Twiceborn Victory: A Road of Bones 重生者胜利:荒骨之路

        The Wheel in the House of the Moon, the Flint in the memories of the sky, the Seven-Coils in her children… the Sun’s Paths, in the Sun’s arrogance, touched all these places. Along these paths, the anger of the forgotten gods will flow, like a river, like the pounding of the heart. They will make of the paths a labyrinth of lovely bones… and therein I will dwell, neither in the House nor of it, neither alive nor dead, neither quite in History nor entirely in Eternity.


      • A Crusade of Stones 石源的远征

        The Wheel in the House of the Moon, the Flint in the memories of the sky, the Seven-Coils in her children… the Sun’s Paths, in the Sun’s arrogance, touched all these places. Along these paths, the anger of the forgotten gods will flow, like a river, like the pounding of the heart.



    Corresponding tarot - The Empress 塔罗牌:女皇

    • Numen: an Irresistable Feast 不可抗拒的盛宴

      • Artist Victory: The Art in the Heart 艺术家胜利:心中艺术

        The Wheel-eggs will be rich and succulent; the Tide-fruits, ripe and juicy; the Coil-spawn , I hope, not too wrigglesome. Those of us who Know will take them in our dreams… and what then? Does it matter? Does it matter, as long as they remember their Host?


      • The Gods in the Heart 心中神灵

        Wheel-eggs, Tide-fruit, Coil-spawn; all the gleanings that the select invitees might gather. A joyous occasion, for the eater and the eaten. And afterwards, when we surrender ourselves to our oldest natures, the most magnificent night.


    • Numen: Weaving the World 编制世界

      • Symurgist Victory: The Tapestry of Serpents 鸟语学家胜利:耶梦加得之毯

        Seven-Coils: mother of monsters, scaled queen… first weaver? Before the bird, the serpent; before the feather, the scale; before the knot, the nest. In each Coil-spawn, a mote of her remains; when they complete their matrix, we will know her Song.


      • Cartographer Victory: The Tapestry of Ways 地图测绘师胜利:道路编织成毯

        Sacrifice hair; sacrifice history. Untie a knot; break a testament. The passages of the Mansus are a labyrinth, and every labyrinth is its own answer. At the labyrinth’s heart waits an old-new god. If I follow its call… if I trace my paths on skin and paper… I’ll have my map.


      • The Eternal Tapestry 永恒历史之毯

        Find them in corners, find them in stories, find them in the edges of the sky. Little miracles like starred vipers, like thorned anemones, like nests of silk. All one piece, and all renewed, far beneath the notice of the Hours. But colours come back to the ochred earth.


    • Numen: the Great Counterfeit 天启:掩世欺人之赝

      • Twiceborn Victory: The Ways and the Means 重生者胜利:前行之路与成神途径

        Can a serpent hatch from a scar? Can wings turn like wheels? Can the sea drink the Grail? Are these old gods or new? In time, the Hours will decide, as they always do; but until that order is restored, their unbraided bewilderement will keep me safe.


      • Sufficient 厚积薄发

        Can a serpent hatch from a scar? Can wings turn like wheels? Can the sea drink the Grail? Are these old gods or new? In time, the Hours will decide, braiding the Histories back toward Eternity; but in this History, those gods that were lost will remain.



    Corresponding tarot - Judgement

    • Numen: the Paths of the Sun

      • Cartographer Victory: Resolution

        The Mansus-paths pulse with light. Every mirror is an eye. The world awakens… but all this is nothing to me. The Mansus is illuminated. My Map is complete, perfect in every detail, and it charts the road to Dawn.

      • Twiceborn Victory: A Solar Alloy

        The New King’s foundries and glassworks roar with light. I haven’t been near, but even at this distance their light stains the sky. The Paths of the Sun open both ways… and down those Paths, Glory will flow like mercury, to take possession of its altars. The new order of the Mansus will permit no devouring of errant Long or anyone else. It seems almost quaint that I used to worry about that sort of thing.

      • A Mercury Flower

        The New King’s foundries and glassworks roar with light. I haven’t been near, but even at this distance their light stains the sky. The Paths of the Sun open both ways… and down those Paths, Glory will flow like mercury, to blossom in its hundred altars. Dawn is coming.

    • Numen: a Merciless Alteration

      • Artist Victory: All the Colours, and More

        The New King’s foundries and glassworks roar with light. I begged a visit. I wasn’t disappointed. I can see the colours of Eternity in those fires. Those colours will kindle a hundred windows. Dawn will come. All I have to do is make absolutely certain that my part in it is known.

      • Archaeologist Victory: Born Among Colours

        The New King’s foundries and glassworks roar with light. It’s autumn, but already the nights are in retreat. Across the kingdom they’re setting up altars of glass and steel. Dawn will kindle in the altar-depths, and I’ll open my arms to its colours. My shadow will leave me; and then at last I’ll know which me I am.

      • The Triumph of Hope

        The New King’s foundries and glassworks roar with light. It’s autumn, but already the nights are in retreat. Every evening the streets are filled with patriots and sceptics alike, jostling, joking, marvelling. Dawn is coming. A new Age. It might even be better than the last one.

    • Numen: the Bells of Ys

      • Revolutionary Victory: The New Names

        The New King’s foundries and workshops quiver with life. The songs of the foundry-Names ring out across the sky. When Dawn comes, the King has promised there will be no war in Europe. The foundries concur… but also they promise a victory. I understand this paradox. There will be a war… but not against our earthly enemies.

      • Prodigal Victory: The New Weapons

        The New King’s foundries and workshops quiver with life. The songs of the foundry-Names ring out across the sky. When Dawn comes, the King has promised there will be no war in Europe. The foundries concur… but also they promise a victory. I’ll leave others to resolve that paradox. My weapon chimes softly in my hand. Let my pursuers come.

      • A New Age

        The New King’s foundries and workshops quiver with life. The songs of the foundry-Names ring out across the sky. When Dawn comes, the King has promised there will be no war in Europe. The foundries concur… but also they promise a victory. In this new Age, perhaps this will no longer be a paradox.


    Corresponding tarot - The Hermit

    • Numen: That Old Lost Music

      • Magnate Victory: A Gentler Sun

        The skies will be softer, the winds warmer. As we were born from the Shell, so the Red Sun will hatch, but gently. Each day it will accept a little - a very little- of our blood… and each night it will protect us. I can understand the consternation. I can understand the unkind turns of phrase. But it’s much gentler to have a Sun that knows you; that every sunrise, honours you with its own blood; that every evening, offers peace.

      • Symurgist Victory: A Kinder Sun

        The skies will be softer, the winds warmer. As we were born from the Shell, so the Red Sun will hatch, but gently. Each day it will accept a little - a very little- of our blood… and each night it will protect us. As it goes down into evening, as it rises in the morning, it will remember us in song. That song will be the one I have yearned for, and its rhythm the beat of my own heart.

      • A Hungrier Heaven

        The skies will be softer, the winds warmer. As we were born from the Shell, so the Red Sun will hatch, but gently. Each day it will accept a little - a very little- of our blood… and each night it will protect us. As it goes down into evening, as it rises in the morning, it will remember us in song.

    • Numen: Inescapable Confinement

      • Prodigal Victory: A Sun that Knows Us

        When once the Watchman is caged in shadows, the Sun will harden like spring ice, until - as we were born from the Shell - so the Red Sun will hatch, but gently. Each day it will accept a little - a very little - of our blood… I balk at that. I admit it. But a Sun that knows our taste is a kinder sun. I am quite certain that it will not eat me. And, once my pursuers are confined, neither will anything else.

      • Archaeologist Victory: Beneath a Sheltering Sun

        When once the Wolf-Divided is caged in light, the Sun will harden like spring ice, until - as we were born from the Shell - so the Red Sun will hatch, but gently. Each day it will accept a little - a very little - of our blood… and each night it will protect us. As it goes down into evening, as it rises in the morning, it will remember us in song. I will never be pure of my corruption. But the Red Sun won’t trouble himself over it… and so neither will I.

      • A Cage of Light

        When once the Wolf-Divided is caged in light, the Sun will harden like spring ice, until - as we were born from the Shell - so the Red Sun will hatch, but gently. Each day it will accept a little - a very little - of our blood… and each night it will protect us. As it goes down into evening, as it rises in the morning, it will remember us in song.

    • Numen: Three Rules

      • Revolutionary Victory: Revolution in Red

        The Watchman’s Tree has a Black Flower, but the Red Sun cannot be forgotten. It has a White, but his light runs red on snow. It has a Red Flower, but in this History, when the Sanguine Exception is invoked, the Red Flower will close its petals. And the Red Sun will hatch, but gently. Each day it will accept a little - a very little- of our blood… and each night it will protect us. As it goes down into evening, as it rises in the morning, it will remember us in song… a song that even the Calyptra cannot silence.

      • Calyptra in Carmine

        The Watchman’s Tree has a Black Flower, but the Red Sun cannot be forgotten. It has a White, but his light runs red on snow. It has a Red Flower, but in this History, when the Sanguine Exception is invoked, the Red Flower will close its petals. And the Red Sun will hatch, but gently. Each day it will accept a little - a very little- of our blood… and each night it will protect us. As it goes down into evening, as it rises in the morning, it will remember us in song.


    Corresponding tarot - The Sun

    • Numen: the Paths of the Sun

      • Cartographer Victory: Charting the Dawn

        Very soon, the King will begin his royal progress. By day he’ll travel the roads of Britain. By night, he’ll walk the Paths of the Sun. Herald-Names will cry the Dawn before him, until every vein of the Mansus flushes with light, like a rose with golden ink; and at last I will complete my Map.

      • Twiceborn Victory: Royal Prerogatives

        Very soon, the King will begin his royal progress. By day he’ll travel the roads of Britain. By night, he’ll walk the Paths of the Sun. Herald-Names will cry the Dawn before him; and I will walk among them, inviolate under the protection of the Dawn-King.

      • The New King’s Path

        Very soon, the King will begin his royal progress. By day he’ll travel the roads of Britain. By night, he’ll walk the Paths of the Sun. Herald-Names will cry the Dawn before him, until Eternity’s light colours every Mansus-stone, like cinnabar, like mercury, like gold.

    • Numen: The Sun’s Weakness

      • Executioner Victory: The Sun’s Sins

        It was not an easy matter, the healing of the scars of the Sun. The king took the greatest into his own flesh, and so we see him now only twice each year, at winter and at spring. But sometimes pain teaches mercy. The days are bright as the King’s coin, but the nights fizz with song. Little jewelled lives, little hungry plants, tide-fruit and coil-spawn, all of it will thrive in the secret night. If any part of this is mine, then I have made amends.

      • The Sun’s Scars

        It was not an easy matter, the healing of the scars of the Sun. The king took the greatest into his own flesh, and so we see him now only twice each year, at winter and at spring. But we love him so. And we have the Dawn.

    • Numen: the Great Counterfeit

      • Twiceborn Victory: The Realm of Gold

        The Mansus has grown bright as brass. Is this the Second Dawn? A Golden Age? History’s last throes? Perhaps all those things, perhaps none, but in this New Order, under Light’s Law, I am safe, I am warm, I am home.

      • The Coin of the Realm

        Each day in the New Kingdom gleams like a gold coin. Is this the Second Dawn? A Brass Age? Eternity’s penumbra? We are warm and fed; the King is wise and just; the skies are clear and bright; all’s well.


    Corresponding tarot: The Tower

    • Numen: the Bells of Ys

      • Revolutionary Victory: Calyptra at Twilight

        Speech was the weapon that won our first war. This Bell is the weapon that will win our last. The night-storms come and go with their violent colours and their violent rains. When all the skies are empty and all the Hours are spent, Eternity’s tyranny will fall.

      • Prodigal Victory: The Eye of the Storm

        STRIKE THE HOURS. In the bright shadows of heaven’s war, I’m safe as a butterfly at a cyclone’s heart. And when earth and sky break open, what treasures will we find within?

      • Time’s Furnace

        STRIKE THE HOURS. History blazes bright. Eternity retreats. The sky will shake, the earth will break, and what treasures will that reveal?

    • Numen: an Irresistable Feast

      • Artist Victory: An Art of War

        I wish I could see it up close - the rents, the daubs, the fires. But it’s enough that it’s projected on the sky. A free entertainment! The Devouring War! For all to enjoy!

      • No Stars

        This has been the longest night. Even the stars have deserted us. The air grows stale and chill. But the ground trembles beneath us, and so I know the war goes on, and the Dawn is coming soon.

    • Numen: a Merciless Alteration

      • Artist Victory: Colours’ End

        The world is a candle! The flame bends and gutters with the workings of the war. I had never imagined the colours! They will thank me for it. And the Dawn will come, of course; but I’ll miss the candle’s light.

      • Archaeologist Victory: Shadows’ End

        The Dawn is almost here… but already the War has set the shadows alight. My thoughts are kindled, too. I don’t know what will be left of me when the Dawn comes… but it’ll be something that does not regret.

      • Mercy’s End

        When the war in the sky is over, when the earth is still, when the last Hour raises her voice, when the Dawn is here, we’ll say: this was necessary.


    Corresponding tarot - Temperance

    • Numen: A Final Understanding

      • Magnate Victory: The Whitest Flower

        ‘Speech is a wound,’ Husher famously insisted. Of silence, he said nothing at all. But then, of course, I suppose, he wouldn’t.

        It’s enough. I’m tired. What is written is written, and my contribution comes after this mark.

      • The Lights Along The Way

        Julian Coseley, the anarchist, Eternity’s enemy. What convinced him, in the end, that Husher had any kind of point? The paradox of the eternal ending? The colours too pale for sight? Was it the secrets he saw in Ninegala’s paintings? His defeats? The quenching of his arrogance? Or just the length of his long long life? Why Silence? If that’s a question, Silence always has an answer.

    • Numen: Inescapable Confinement

      • Prodigal Victory: A Cage of Visions

        This is the cell the Watchman built in the southmost reaches of the world, where the sea grows hard as horn and the sunset pale as snow. When the sunset comes, it will be his cell. Without the Watchman, there will be no Second Dawn… and without the Watchman, my pursuers will lose their force. A little light in the world is a small price to pay. After all, without the Watchman, there’ll be a little more mercy, too.

      • Archaeologist Victory: A Cage of Stars

        This is the cell the Watchman built for the Wolf-Divided, in the southmost reaches of the world, where the sea grows hard as horn and the sunset pale as snow. When the sunset comes, it will be his cell. Without the Wolf, we will see no Second Dawn. There may - there just may - be other benefits beside. No more Wolf-Splinters, for one. Is that my shadow? Or is it, finally, me? Let’s say it’s not. Let’s say I’m free..

      • A Cage of Snows

        This is the cell the Watchman built in the southmost reaches of the world, where the sea grows hard as horn and the sunset pale as snow. When the sunset comes, it will be his cell. Without the Watchman, there will be no Second Dawn. ‘He navigates; he illuminates; he is not compassionate…’ Perhaps when night falls, we’ll finally see a little compassion.

    • Numen: Back Into Balance

      • Executioner Victory: Robin in the Snow

        The Carapace Cross is gone. Into earth; into flesh; and the travelling-kinds,beyond wave and sky. They are very few now under the earth, and the Cross-in-flesh are us - some of us, at least. But when the travelling-kinds return, their wings will darken the sky; and in this history, they will be safe from any Dawn.

      • Revolutionary Victory: Frost

        Safe from any Second Dawn - In streets at night - in spires by day - crawling on the roofs of moving trains - buzzing in factory chimneys - the kinds of the Cross return. Of course they’ll frighten the wits out of everyone - everyone! But the Calyptra’s law doesn’t bind the Cross. When they’re ready to speak, and we’re ready to listen - to the hybrids in our sky, and the echo in our flesh - the tyranny of Eternity, at long last, will approach its resolution.

      • Closing a Wound

        The Cross died not passed within.’ When the travelling-kinds of the Carapace Cross return, how many of us will answer the heart-lifting buzz of their call? One in every thousand? One in every ten? There will be no Second Dawn - the Cross will walk among us - and when the wing-buzz, the heart-shrill, the star-song, goes out, when we are called to travel again beyond the sky - how many of us will go with them?


    As you can remember, Book of Hours has 101 endings, but these were only 99 of them. That’s because the remaining two are “unique” or “secret” endings, and neither of them can be achieved by standard means of recording a history. Instead, as their name implies, each of them has it’s own, unique method of obtaining.

  • Hidden ending

    Winter or Pale ending is one of two unique endings of the game. It is represented by Ace of Swords tarot card. It is considered to be the true ending of Book of Hours.

    To achieve it, you have to make the the determination white, the first flower. afterward, wait for the winter season, and then go to The Tree. Present your Journal with one of your Elements of the Soul to get the ending. Note that it will only work if these two cards combined have no less than 3 of Winter aspect. If done correctly, the following ending will appear:

    A Knowledge In The Look Of Things

    ‘After the red leaf and the gold have gone,

    Brought down by the wind, then by hammering rain…

    …I speak to you now with the land’s voice,

    It is the cold, wild land that says to you

    A knowledge glimmers in the sleep of things:

    The old hills hunch before the north wind blows.’

    • Howard Nemerov, 1920-1991, from ‘A Spell Before Winter’.

      [You have completed a hidden ending. An argument has been made that this is the true ending of BOOK OF HOURS.]

  • Best ending
    Evening or Enigmatic ending is one of two unique endings of the game. It is represented by Ace of Cups tarot card. It is considered to be the best ending of Book of Hours.

    In order to get it, you must record no history at all. While not having any history recorded in your journal, use it with any of the Elements of the Soul at The Tree to get the ending. Note that it can be done in any season. The ending itself is located just below this text.

  • Evening Falls

    I have my fire, my books, my clock, my window on the world where they do other things; and I am happy. This is the life I chose. The years will pass, like sun, like snow, like rain, like a gull’s wing beating, and when I close my eyes, they will find me smiling.